Personal Paint 7.3c OS4 (PPaint)
Personal Paint 7.3c OS4 (PPaint)
Personal Paint Next-Generation is a completely reworked update of the venerable palette mapped bitmap graphics painting and image processing program originally developed by Cloanto for the Classic Amiga computers. The new version has been fully ported to OS 4.1 with a whole host of new features added.
* Fully OS 4.1/PPC native
* Totally integrated with the OS 4.1 Workbench
* Supports OS 4 screen dragging
* Smoother interaction with the OS4 screen dragging system
* True colour animation frame thumbs in the StoryBoard window
* High resolution gadget imagery and thin borders style GUI option for a more modern look
* New polygon mode added to grab brush tool
* 9 new built in brush shapes
* 100 new Custom Brushes
* Pressure sensitive drawing
* Dithered transparency
* New Airbrush Linemode
* Extended paint functionality with image processing tool
Minimum: OS 4.1 Update 6